Why does the verify connection operation fail for the connection with app registration?
Make sure you have entered the correct information for authenticating using an app registration, and that the app registration has the necessary permissions in Azure IAM (reader role assignment) on the subscription that you want to analyze. Go to the app registration in Entra ID, find the following values and enter them in the "Edit Project" window: Tenant Id: Copy the "Directory (tenant) ID" value from the app registration overview blade Client Id: Copy the "Application (client) ID" valueFew readersWhich type of resources are included in the detailed architecture diagrams?
All resources, including hidden resources in Azure, are shown in the diagram that is based on the resource group viewpoint. However, resource types that aren't fully supported yet are shown as being of the default "Resource" type. This means that it isn't possible to see the detailed properties of that resource type yet. Full support for additional resource types are added based on community feedback. NubOps currently supports graphically describing and providing detailed properties for the folFew readersWhat is the recommendation on how to start using NubOps?
When you create an app registration you also have to assign a role to that app registration in Azure IAM on the subscriptions you want NubOps to analyze. Our recommendation is to start out by only assigning the app registration the "Reader" role on one single non-production subscription in Azure. If possible, create a new Azure subscription where you can experiment without affecting other resources. This will also reduce initial "noise" in NubOps as you start out. The Policies feature will genFew readersHow can I restrict which data NubOps retrieves from Azure?
When you create an app registration, you prevent NubOps from accessing data by only assigning the Reader role to the app registration on those subscriptions that you want to use NubOps with. We recommend following the information security principle called "Least privilege" for all types of authorizations, meaning that you should only grant the privileges or permissions that are required for NubOps to perform the task that you want it to. When you create the app registration, select 'single tenaFew readersIs there any additional information about how I can use NubOps or how Azure works?
We provide videos on our YouTube channel for those who are new to working with Azure, but also on how to use the different features in NubOps. The purpose of these videos is, in part, to showcase the different features in NubOps but we also want to provide insights that will help you when starting to work with Azure or to improve governance and security controls in your Azure environment. Here is the link to our channel: NubisOperandis ( readersIs there a way that I can group together all the different components in my solution in the same model?
There are two architecture viewpoints in NubOps which are customizable in the way that they are based on the 'tags' you have assigned to your resources in Azure, i.e, virtual machines, availability sets, web apps, databases, etc. These two viewpoints generate the 'Applications' and 'Application Tiers' entities in the Diagrams feature, and those are created based on the following tags: 'Application' or 'ApplicationId' 'ApplicationTier' 'Environment' ( readersOne of the architecture models looks messed up with the resource boxes overlapping each other, what can I do?
Delete the cloud data, as a technical issue most likely occurred when it was retrieved from Azure. Create a new snapshot and check to see if the architecture diagrams look better afterward. If this doesn't help, then please submit a bug report to us so we can investigate the cause and release a bug fix.Few readersHow does NubOps retrieve information about my Azure environment?
NubOps retrieves data by using either your Microsoft work account or an app registration that you create in your Entra ID tenant. If using an app registration, you also need to assign the "Reader" role to the app registration in Azure IAM on the subscription(s) that you want to work with in NubOps. Using your Microsoft work account to log in to NubOps requires issuing admin consent to the "NubOps Sign In" Enterprise Application. Issuing consent will assign the following delegated Microsoft GrapFew readers